10 Surprising Ways Your IT Pros Can Support Your Business
In the hustle and bustle of running a business, time is a precious commodity. As an entrepreneur, your to-do list seems never-ending, and there’s always something vying for your attention.
In the hustle and bustle of running a business, time is a precious commodity. As an entrepreneur, your to-do list seems never-ending, and there’s always something vying for your attention.
In recent years, the threat landscape of cybersecurity has evolved, and the responsibility for safeguarding your business no longer solely belongs to your IT department or outsourced IT company.
In the biggest hack of the year, the file transfer platform MOVEit, developed by Progress Software, fell victim to a Russian ransomware operation called Cl0p back in May. This breach exploited a previously unknown vulnerability in the MOVEit software.
Cybercriminals have discovered a cunning tactic to infiltrate your digital defenses: impersonating well-known and trusted brands. These companies, having invested heavily in building their reputation, are ripe targets for hackers looking to exploit your trust.
In an age dominated by technology and digital transformation, businesses are intricately intertwined with IT systems of all kinds. Every decision, every transaction, and every customer interaction is often backed by layers of business infrastructure.
Most of our day includes the internet, whether it’s a meeting on Zoom or Google, watching a video on YouTube, streaming your favorite show, or playing online video games with friends. If the internet is slow, it can wreak havoc on your day and create a lot of stress and frustration with work, school, and life.
As technology progresses rapidly, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and automation have become critical components for businesses across various sectors. The integration of these innovative advancements is particularly advantageous for IT operations.
There is no shortage of challenges that small businesses face as they begin to find their way in the market. From closely managing their finances to scaling their operations, every decision a small business makes or fails to make can seriously impact its long-term viability.
There is no shortage of challenges that small businesses face as they begin to find their way in the market. From closely managing their finances to scaling their operations, every decision a small business makes or fails to make can seriously impact its long-term viability.
Most of us are familiar with Microsoft products like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, but there’s a wealth of other features in Microsoft 365 that you may not know exist. Find out the top 5 Microsoft 365 Productivity Features you’re not using and how you can maximize the potential of the program.
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