
Tech Efficiency 2024
Your Roadmap to Savings

In the pursuit of cost reduction and increased profitability in 2024, a strategic assessment of your organization’s technology landscape becomes imperative. To achieve this, we’ve crafted a detailed 15-step road map that guides you through a thorough examination of your current technology infrastructure. This roadmap aims to identify areas for potential cost savings and opportunities for integrating new and improved technologies to enhance operational efficiency.

  1. Technology Inventory
    Begin with a comprehensive inventory of your existing technology assets, encompassing hardware, software licenses, and peripherals. Identify outdated or underutilized equipment for potential upgrades or decommissioning.
  2. Software Licensing and Subscriptions
    Review all software licenses and subscriptions for compliance. Identify and eliminate any unused or redundant software to trim unnecessary expenses.
  3. Cloud Services Optimization
    Evaluate the utilization of cloud services and optimize resources based on actual needs. Monitor and adjust subscriptions to align with fluctuating business demands while ensuring robust security protocols are in place to prevent data breaches.
  4. Energy Efficiency
    Implement energy-efficient practices, including server consolidation, use of energy-efficient hardware, and optimized data center cooling. Explore virtualization to reduce physical servers, thus saving energy and hardware costs.
  5. Remote Work Infrastructure
    Optimize remote work capabilities to support flexible working arrangements. Invest in secure collaboration tools and VPN solutions to enhance security and productivity in remote work settings.
  6. Data Storage Optimization
    Assess data storage needs and implement archiving strategies to free up primary storage. Consider cloud storage options for scalability and cost-effectiveness.
  7. Network Performance
    Regularly monitor and optimize network performance to ensure faster and more reliable data transfer. Implement Quality of Service (QoS) settings to prioritize critical applications and services.
  8. IT Security Measures
    Regularly update and patch software, ensure security solutions are up to date, and conduct regular security audits and employee training to prevent breaches.

    NOTE: This cyber security measures list barely scratches the surface. If you haven’t had a professional dig into your security solutions, this needs to be a priority. Data breaches are expensive and can shut a business down. Click here to book a call with our team.

  9. IT Help Desk Efficiency
    Consider implementing or optimizing a dedicated IT help desk system tailored to meet the specific needs of your business.
  10. Mobile Device Management (MDM)
    Implement MDM solutions to manage and secure mobile devices. Enforce policies for data security on company-issued or BYOD devices.
  11. Vendor Management
    Review vendor contracts, negotiate better terms, and consolidate vendors where possible. Evaluate vendor cybersecurity practices to ensure data security.
  12. Employee Training Programs
    Provide ongoing training programs to enhance employees’ IT skills and awareness. Empower employees to troubleshoot common issues independently to reduce support costs where and if it makes sense.
  13. Energy-Efficient Hardware
    Invest in energy-efficient hardware to reduce electricity costs and contribute to environmental sustainability. Consider upgrading to newer, more power-efficient devices.
  14. Paperless Initiatives
    Explore paperless solutions to reduce printing and document storage costs. Implement digital document management systems for greater efficiency and savings.
  15. Telecommunications Optimization
    Review telecom expenses, renegotiate contracts, and explore alternative providers. Utilize VoIP for cost-effective and scalable communication solutions.

By systematically addressing these areas, business owners can enhance their IT infrastructure, drive productivity, and achieve cost savings contributing to overall profitability. Regularly revisiting and updating this checklist will help businesses stay agile in the ever-changing landscape of technology and business operations.

If you need assistance implementing the action steps on this list, our team is ready to help. Click here to book a FREE 10-Minute Discovery Call with our team, where we’ll discuss what your company needs and answer any questions you might have.